Speak out and stay in solidarity
Listen to/ Hört THE VOICES with Mbolo Yufanyi and Co. on Reboot fm 27.05.2017, at 6pm/um 18:00 Uhr (Berlin time):
Topic: Crisis in the Postcolonial Cameroons – The Southern Cameroons Struggles
Crisis in the Postcolonial Cameroons – The Southern Cameroons Struggles
On Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Saturday 27th of May 2017/ Samstag 27. Mai 2017
Time/Zeit: 6pm/um 18:00 Uhr
If you missed the last show, click here to listen:
We need your donation and your trust in justice:
For Freedom of Movement and Dignity for Refugees!
The oppressed people of the world have their fight. Let's listen to the community!
We demand a new order of solidarity in our struggles!
Appeal For Urgent Donation: https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4369
1year of refuge-migrants political community networking between Bavaria and Thueringen
Refugee Demonstration - 24.06 in Jena
Stop Deportation Parade! In Protest against the G20 Summit and the wars against Refugees!!
Stop All Deportations | Smash the G20 Summit of Vampires and Mothers of all bombs
Refugee Solidarity Parade
Rally at 1pm | Demonstration at 4pm | Meeting point in Johannisplatz, Jena
English / Deutsch / French:
Southern Cameroonians Demonstration at the French Embassy in Berlin
The Southern Cameroon Community Germany (SCCG) wish to announce it demonstration against Marginalization, Police Brutality, Rape, Maim, Abduction, imprisonment and against forceful celebration of "Fake" National day implemented to the minority Southern Cameroonians by the government of French Cameroon on the 20th of May 2017 at 11:00am in Berlin at the Maritime Hotel. Address: Stauffenbergstrasse 26, 10785 Berlin.
Foto: Treffen von The VOICE Refugee Forum - Community Netzwerk zu den Prinzipien des politischen Aktivismus und der Selbstorganisation von Flüchtlingen
Listen to/ Hört THE VOICES mit Mbolo Yufanyi und Co. on
Reboot fm Samstag 29. April 2017
über Flüchtlings-BlackBox und Lebenspespektiven in Deutschland
On Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Samstag 29. April 2017
um 18:00 Uhr
Listen to/ Hört THE VOICES with Mbolo Yufanyi and Co. on Reboot fm 29.04.2017, at 6pm/um 18:00 Uhr (Berlin time):
Topic: The Refugee BlackBox and life perspectives in Germany
Photo: Meeting of The VOICE Refugee Forum - Community Network on principles of refugee political activism and self-organisation
Reboot fm 29.04.2017
Listen to/ Hört THE VOICES with Mbolo Yufanyi and Co.
The Refugee BlackBox and life perspectives in Germany
On Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Saturday 29th of April 2017/
Samstag 29.April 2017
Time:6pm/um 18:00 Uhr
The VOICE Refugee Meeting on the 22-23.04.2017 in Jena with Mobilization Agenda to the Refugee-Migrants COMMUNITY meeting on 27-29.04 in Munich:
Debate & Soliparty: "Dealing with the daily threats of deportation"
Why do refugees trust German activists often more than each other?
Warum vertrauen Geflüchtete deutschen Aktivist*innen oft mehr, als einander?
https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4349 (English / Deutsch)
Bavaria Refugee Black Box activists in Jena 2016
"The western governments are directly responsible for creating such a situation that millions of people have to leave their home country" by Arash Azar of Refugee Struggle for Freedom in Munich
The inhumane plan of German’s government for refugees and stepping up the deportation of Refugees from Germany:
طرح های ضد انسانی دولت آلمان علیه پناهجویان و تسریع اخراج پناهجویان از آلمان
متن فارسی در ادامه
Debate & Soliparty: "Dealing with the daily threats of deportation"
Refugee-Migrants Community meeting:
Why do refugees trust German activists often more than each other?
Warum vertrauen Geflüchtete deutschen Aktivist*innen oft mehr, als einander?
https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4349 (Enlish / Deutsch)
Reports indicate that the hostility of the German’s government against refugees is taking new dimensions. The application of 350 thousands of refugees have been rejected last year that 80 thousands have been deported and these figures will increase even more in 2017 according to reports. As well as the refugees from Afghanistan and Iran there are those who are from Syria, Iraq, Pakistan and North Africa and Eastern Europe.
Foto: Refugee Black Box activists parade in Jena
Debate & Soliparty: "Dealing with the daily threats of deportation"
Refugee-Migrants Community Meeting in Munich:
Why do refugees trust German activists often more than each other?
Warum vertrauen Geflüchtete deutschen Aktivist*innen oft mehr, als einander?
https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4349 (Enlish / Deutsch)
Eng/Deut] 27-30.04 in Munich: Refugee-Migrants Community Announcement from Refugee Struggle For Freedom
The western governments are directly responsible for millions of people have to leave their home country https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4349