62. (3rd Serial) Edition at Rebootfm: Celebrating 26 years of The VOICE Refugee Forum. Tune in to THE VOICES with Mbolo Yufanyi, and Co.
Time/Zeit: 6pm/um 18:00 Uhr
On Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam
Zoom Video Conference: https://youtu.be/4diS-bhYjoMY
Saturday 5th of December 2020
"When Exposing a Crime is treated as committing a Crime, You Are Ruled By Criminals."
Topic: 26 years of The VOICE Refugee Forum, Germany. Experiencing 26 years daily repression and persecution and the fight against them.
In our last series of our BlockSeries “Celebrating 26 years of The VOICE Refugee Forum”, we are going to talk about FEAR in the context of Campaigns against (Racist) Police Brutality with concrete examples.