Knesset approves plan to jail asylum seekers for longest period of western world in biggest prison
January 31, 2012 Ukraine
Since 6 January, 58 Somalis (13 women, including 7 minors, and 45 men, including 17 minors) who are detained in Zhuravychi detention centre near Lutsk are on hunger strike. On 29/1, they were subsequently attacked by riot police who forcefully took them to the dining room to take pictures of the refugees eating.
The hunger striking refugees demand that:
1) Somali asylum seekers are granted asylum status in Ukraine.
2) They are released from detention.
3) Asylum seekers are provided with documents so they cannot be arrested.
Gegen den kapitalistischen und rassistischen Normalzustand!
26. Januar 2012
Seit etwa einem Jahr organisieren sich Flüchtlinge in der Kampagne „Break Isolation“ selbst, um für ihre Rechte als Menschen zu kämpfen. Dies zeigte sich unter anderem in Erfurt im Oktober auf dem Anger, als 400-600 Flüchtlinge und Unterstützer_innen gegen den alltäglichen Rassismus und eine menschenverachtende Politik demonstrierten und die Schließung aller Lager einforderten.
Alle Lager abschaffen“.
Am Donnerstag, dem 2.2.2012 um 14.30 Uhr, wird vor dem Landtag Mecklenburg Vorpommerns eine Kundgebung der Kampagne „Stop it! Rassismus bekämpfen.
Offener Brief der Flüchtlinge aus dem Lager Jürgenstorf in Mecklenburg-Vorpommern
September 2011
Flyer für 2.2.2012: finden Sie hier.
Mr Salomon Wantchoucou would appear at the Social Court against the Wittenberg local government for depriving him of his right to financial support accountable to him. The Local government had taken the decision to withdraw the said support because Mr Salomon Wantchoucou had not cooperated with the authourities.
Date: 24.02.2012 - TIME. 9AM
VENUE: Sozialgericht Dessau-Roßlau, Erdgeschoss, Saal 28, Will-Lohnmann-Strasse 29,06844 Dessau Roßlau
Bases of the Legal Proceeding:
Statement by Miloud L. Cherif
The VOICE Refugee Forum, Zella-Mehlis
At 18:25 on Friday 13th January 2012, the criminal investigation police of Heilbronn controlled me in the Train (RE Würsburg-Stuttgart Hbf), in Stuttgart where a workshop against deportation organised by The VOICE was taking place.
“I won’t pay a cent for my freedom of movement“
Miloud L. Cherif in refugee camp of Zella-Mehlis
Warum kontrollieren Sie nur mich?!!
Wir rufen zur Abschaffung der Residenzpflicht auf!
Abschaffung der Rassistischen Polizeikontrollen sofort!
Flüchtlingsinitiative Wittenberg, the voice Sachsen-anhalt together with Nolager Halle, Antira Magdeburg held a meeting in Möhlau on 21.01.2012 to discuss the response of the local government parliament (Kreistag Wittenberg) on matters concerning refugees in Wittenberg.
Flüchtlingsinitiative Wittenberg are strongly criticising the competent authorities of not doing enough in what concerns equal treatments between families and singles in Wittenberg therefore ,demanding for an equal treatments for all refugees in Wittenberg !