Every Deportation is a crime
The racist backlash of the German elections - Hypocrisy and Glorification of German racism !!
On Colonial Injustice: The Slave and Colonial culture of Deportation
Every Deportation is a crime
The racist backlash of the German elections - Hypocrisy and Glorification of German racism !!
On Colonial Injustice: The Slave and Colonial culture of Deportation
Photo: Caravan Open Meeting in Hambutg 26/27.August 2017
Listen to The VOICE Radio Show in Berlin:
With the Music of Bigger Rize "Refugees not Enemy"
#VOICES on# Rebootfm: In case you missed the show,
click the link to listen to the podcas:.
The Revival Of The CARAVAN For The Rights Of Refugees And Migrants Network.
The VOICE October 2017
Unite Against Deportation and Social Exclusion
Deportation is Criminal
20 - 22.10.2017 in Jena (Haus auf der Mauer Johannisplatz)
Begin: Friday, 6pm
End: Sunday 6pm.
Sunday, 22.10 at 2.00 pm Break Deportation Auxiliary- Parade: (After Meeting Soli-Action)
There will be discussions and presentations of participants from The VOICE Refugee Forum – Community Network
Demonstration 19th August 2017, 13h in Munich: „Stop deportations! Abolish the Dublin system! Freedom of movement for all!“ (https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4381)
Refugee Community Bavaria: Update Finance and Mobilization to Demonstration Against Dublin Deportation
Dear friends, activists and supporters,
Solidaritätsstatement von The VOICE Refugee Forum Network in Unterstützung der Proteste und Aktionen der Flüchtlige in Deggendorf und Bayern allgemein.
Wir rufen weiterhin zur Solidarität auf gegen die Abschiebungen und die schlechte Behandlung gegen über Flüchtlingen in bayerischen Flüchtlingsheimen auf!
Flüchtlingslager in Deutschland für Flüchtlinge aus Sierra Leone
Protest in Deggendorf gegen Abschiebung und gegen die Behörden wegen der schlechten Behandlung von Flüchtlingen https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4391
African Refugees fight back in Munich: Organized by Sierra-Leone Refugee in Bavaria Germany
Reminder: #RefugeeDemonstrationMunchen
Demonstration 19.08.2017 at 13.00hrs in Munich.
African Refugees fight back in Munich: Organized by Sierra-Leone Refugee in Bavaria Germany
Reminder: #RefugeeDemonstrationMunchen
Demonstration 19.08.2017 at 13.00hrs in Munich.
Stoppt Abschiebungen! Schafft das Dublin-System ab! Bewegungsfreiheit für alle!
Samstag – 19.08.2017, 13:00 Uhr bis 16:00 Uhr
München, Hauptbahnhof
Organisatoren: Sierra Leone United Association in Germany (Sierra Leone – Vereinigung in Deutschland)
Refugee Black Box SOLIDARITY in München am 19.08.2017
Support needed! Who is coming to Munich?
We Need Donation!!
Information on Finance and on Mobilization will be updated for publishing as the protest continue.
On Sierra-Leone Refugee Bavaria-wide protest and demonstration with Conference and Cultural event which will be taking place in Munich on 19.08.2017
Refugee Black Box SOLIDARITY in Munich on 19.08.2017
Support needed! Who is coming to Munich?
We Need Donation!!
Information on Finance and on Mobilization will be updated for publishing as the protest continue.
On Sierra-Leone Refugee Bavaria-wide protest and demonstration with Conference and Cultural event which will be taking place in Munich on 19.08.2017