While deeply saddened by his transition, we take solace in his exemplary
Invitation to join organizing the events commemorating 30 years of existence of The VOICE Refugee Forum Network.
Dear activists of the Refugee and Migrant Communities,
The VOICE Berlin and Refugee/Migrant Communities in and around will be meeting to discuss the planning of decentralized events commemorating 30 years of existence, in October 2024.
Date: Thursday, 18.07.2024
Place: Berlin
Time: 5 pm/17 hrs.
For information concerning location, send an email to: the_voice_berlin@emdash.org or a WhatsApp/Telegram/Signal message to Tel.: 01708788124
Einladung zur Teilnahme an den Veranstaltungen anlässlich des 30-jährigen Bestehens des VOICE Refugee Forum Network.
Liebe Aktivisten aus den Flüchtlings- und Migrantengemeinschaften,
VOICE Berlin und die Flüchtlings- und Migrantengemeinschaften in und um Berlin werden sich im Oktober 2024 treffen, um die Planung der dezentralen Veranstaltungen zum 30-jährigen Bestehen zu besprechen.
Datum: Donnerstag den, 18.07.2024
Zeit: 17 Uhr/17 Uhr
Ort: Berlin
Für Informationen über den Ort, sendet eine E-Mail an: the_voice_berlin@emdash.org oder eine WhatsApp/Telegramm/Signalnachricht an Tel.: 01708788124
80th Edition: Tune in to THE VOICES with Mbolo Yufanyi, and Co.
Time/Zeit: 6pm/um 18:00 Uhr
On Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Saturday 25th May 2024/ Samstag 25. Mai 2024
AFRICAN LIBERATION DAY! What does it Mean to US?
Discussion with/Diskussion mit (in English)
with 2 special guests from the African/Black Community in Berlin
Bro. Ndjessi
(Artist Page:
Entrepreneur Page:
Bro. Ashu Tabi - Sculpt Quest
Photo: The VOICE Berlin
79th Edition: Tune in to THE VOICES with Mbolo Yufanyi, and Co.
Time/Zeit: 6pm/um 18:00 Uhr
On Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Saturday 27th April 2024/ Samstag 27. April 2024
Discussion with/Diskussion mit (in English)
Mai Zeidani Yufanyi and Araz Ardehali
Topic: How relevant are our old movements in this political age of persecution and mask falling from the face of the Western Countries?
African Union Human Rights Memorial. (Courtesy Samidoun) (source - https://cartoonmovement.typepad.com/.a/6a014e5f5d3c7c970c01a73dabf66297…)
78th Edition: Tune in to THE VOICES with Mbolo Yufanyi, and Co.
Time/Zeit: 6pm/um 18:00 Uhr
On Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Saturday 2nd March 2024/ Samstag 2. März 2024
Discussion with/Diskussion mit (in German and English)
Aitak Barani, Araz Ardehali and Moctar Kamara
Die Karawane (für die Rechte von Flüchtlingen und Migrant*innen) 25 Jahre Gedenken und der Weg nach vorne in dieser Verfolgungsatmosphäre gegen kritisches politisches EngagementDer KADiB- (Komitee für die Errichtung eines afrikanischen Denkmals in Berlin) Gedenkmarsch und der Weg nach vorn zum jährlichen Gedenken und Erinnern
The Caravan (for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants) 25 yrs Commemoration and the way forward in this persecutory atmosphere against critical political Engagements The KADiB (Committee for the erection of an African memorial in Berlin) memorial March and the way forward on yearly Commemoration and remembrance
Berlin police observe a Palestinian protest in Berlin, April 11, 2023. (Courtesy Samidoun) (source - https://www.972mag.com/berlin-police-palestinian-protests/)
77th Edition: Tune in to THE VOICES with Mbolo Yufanyi, and Co.
Time/Zeit: 6pm/um 18:00 Uhr On Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Saturday 11th November 2023/ Samstag 11. November 2023
The onslaught on Gaza!
The price paid by freedom activists in Germany daring to raise their VOICES.
Discussion with/Diskussion mit
May Zeidani Yufanyi and Rayan Al Masri
Online streaming link:
Foto: A journey from nowhere to Sommerda, a misty morning train ride.
RBB #RefugeeBlackBox#
Breaking news: We waiting for a detailed report on today's court hearing of today in Sommerda.
Antisemitism and Racist Discrimination in Sömmerda Refugee Camp
Report of 2nd Court Hearing in Sommerda by the refugeeBlackBox activist
Antisemitism, Racism and Discrimination in Sömmerda Refugee Camp RBB activist is accused of defamation in Sömmerda Court A North African Jewish activist of RBB-RefugeeBlackBox defends himself against the charge of "defamation" after exposing the inhumane, racial, and antisemitic treatment of refugees in Sömmerda. Two court hearings took place on September 27 and October 9, 2023. Next hearing: Friday, October 27, 2023, at 9:00 AM
Commemorative Evening for Madjiguène Cissé, a human rights activist for refugee and women rights, speaker for the Sans Papiers in France in the 1990s. The tribute to Madjiguène Cissé by Sunny Omwenyeke highlights the legacy and impact of her activism till today. In Bremen the refugee self-organisation Together-We-Are-Bremen is struggling with similar fights as the Sans Papiers did 25 years ago in France. The Bremen TWAB refugee-women just got their rights recognized by court for the Birth Certificates of their children.
Sunny Omwenyeke on HER LEGACY
13 min. engl., Bremen 06 / 2023
Film in German about the Women in Sans Papiers France, 1997, with Madjiguène Cissé (63 min.)