Foto: The hidden face of White Supremacy
We do not forget the refugee protest in Saalfeld against deportation
We remember the refugee protest on 19.11.2020 in Saalfeld against deportation
The goal of deportation is annihilation and destruction:
Foto: The hidden face of White Supremacy
We do not forget the refugee protest in Saalfeld against deportation
We remember the refugee protest on 19.11.2020 in Saalfeld against deportation
The goal of deportation is annihilation and destruction:
Warum musste Giórgu Zantiótis sterben?
Kundgebung am 7.11.2021 um 18:00 Uhr
Wuppertal Hauptbahnhof
Why did Giórgu Zantiótis have to die?
Rally on 7.11.2021 at 6:00 p.m.
Wuppertal main train station
67th Edition: Tune in to THE VOICES with Mai Zeidani Yufanyi
Time/Zeit: 6pm/um 18:00 Uhr
On Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Saturday 06th November 2021/ Samstag 06. November 2021
In this edition, we will play you a recording of an event about economic and Palestine.
The title of the event was “who profits?”
On Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Saturday 9th Oct. 2021/ Samstag 09. Okt. 2021
16th Memorial March In Honour Of African Victims Of Enslavement, Colonialism, Neo-Colonialism & Racism
16. Gedenkmarsch Zu Ehren Afrikanischer Opfer Von Versklavung, Kolonialismus, Neokolonialismus & Rassismus
This is EDITION dedicated to the ABC-KADIB Memorial March preparation Discussion/ Diese EDITION ist der Vorbereitung des ABC-KADIB-Gedenkmarsches gewidmet Diskussion/
With Guest from KADIB
(Komitee für die Errichtung eines afrikanischen Denkmals in Berlin /Committee for the Erection of an African Monument in Berlin)
This is a SPECIAL EDITION dedicated to our transcended brother:
Remembering and Celebrating the life of Warren Stowe, our brother and fellow activist of the Caravan and the Plataforma for the Rights of refugees and Migrants in Germany and Worldwide: With friends and Activist meeting together.
Accompanied by Music and Poetry. Mehr Infos >>
Teste originale tramite traduzione online dall'inglese all'italiano:
English: Online RefugeeBlackBox (RBB) - Community Campaign | Paint it Black! Produce Your RefugeeBlackBox
Nessuna espulsione | STOP alla deportazione
Sono invitati i rifugiati e i migranti
Cara gente, fratelli e sorelle, attivisti e amici,
noi, gli attivisti di RefugeeBlackBox e The VOICE Refugee Forum saremmo lieti di invitarvi all'incontro della rete e di partecipare all'azione della nostra campagna comunitaria online di RefugeeBlackBox. Sentitevi invitati a leggere e ad unirvi al movimento. Restiamo in solidarietà.
Squadra RefugeeBlackBox
Online RefugeeBlackBox (RBB) - Campagna comunitaria | Paint it Black! Produci la tua RefugeeBlackBox
Original text through online translation from English to Swahili:
Nakala asilia kupitia tafsiri ya mkondoni kutoka Kiingereza hadi Kiswahili>
English: Online RefugeeBlackBox (RBB) - Community Campaign | Paint it Black! Produce Your RefugeeBlackBox
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