A family tragedy was taken as a cause to arrest a human rights activist in DR Congo.
*On the Move! Break Isolation Conference and Solidarity Act*
*April 2013 in 7 regions of Germany*
Workshops, Conferences and Discussions with Break Isolation Campaign Network and Refugee Tribunal platform activists
Break Isolation Strike - Refugees Liberation Bus Tour
Close down the Refugee lagers and the Deportation Prisons
The Tour is planned through Lagers and Deportation Prisons in Baden-Württemberg and Schwaben Bayern from 26th of April in Karlsruhe

Nu-skool Roma singer Kerieva at the Acoustic Yurt
Black Out Europe - Roma refugees in the 21st century
As a testimony of sick capitalist societies and failed EU-interventions in the Balkan region, Roma refugees in Germany are facing mandatory rejection and mass-deportation

Thousands of balloons will fly
8. April 2013 for World Wide Roma Movement

Break Isolation Strike - Refugees Liberation Bus Tour
Close down the Refugee lagers and the Deportation Prisons
The Tour is planned through Lagers and Deportation Prisons in Baden-Württemberg and Schwaben Bayern from 26th of April in Karlsruhe
Break Isolation Conference and Solidarity Act 2013
*April 2013 in 7 Regionen Deutschlands – Göttingen 08-09.04., Essen - NRW 09.04., Berlin and Prenzlau 08-13.04., Frankfurt 10-11.04. (Kundgebung im Containerlager Oberursel 11.04.), Hamburg 13.04., Trier 20.40 Jena / Thueringen , 22-26.04.
WE are appealing to members of the Civil society on the urgent support for the Children in the Noerdlingen Lager as we are aware that the authourities mazy trz to enforce their habit of persecuting mothers for keeping the kids in hunger which is absolutelz not true.
Report on Noerdlingen Refugees Strike Action

Politisches und gesellschaftliches Engagement von Flüchtlingen sind keine Verbechen!
Wir, die Unterzeichner_innen dieser Petition, fordern die sofortige Aufhebung des politisch motivierten Ausweisungsbescheides der Ausländerbehörde Passau gegen den Flüchtlingsaktivisten Patras Bwansi.

Demonstration on 23.03.2013 at 2pm in Protest Camp Oranienplatz Berlin

Spontandemo vor Asylheim Nördlingen endet friedlich

*April 2013 in 7 regions of Germany*
Break Isolation Conference and Solidarity Act
Workshops, Conferences and Discussions with Break Isolation Campaign Network and Refugee Tribunal platform activists https://thevoiceforum.org/node/3094
Deutsch: Break Isolation Konferenz und Solidarity Act 2013 - Input von The VOICE Refugee Forum

English: Break Isolation Conference and Solidarity Act 2013 - Input by The VOICE Refugee Forum