On the Move! “Break Isolation Strike”
Refugee Demonstration and liberation Bus Tour 2013

Dear all,
in Vienna, there's going to be a big demo on 16th of February in solidarity with the struggle of the refugees who have been protesting for almost 3 months and who are right now still inside Vienna Votiv church under very precarious conditions. Some of them are on hunger strike with their health conditions becoming more and more serious.
The refugees in Vienna and everywhere need solutions for their demands!

Saturday, February the 16th has been proclaimed International Refugee Action Day. In Germany, Austria, Finland, Poland, Hungary, and Australia refugees are taking action against the inhumane immigration policies in the countries in which they are staying. We, the rejected asylum seekers in the Netherlands who have been protesting for more than a year for our human rights will take to the streets. We cannot return to our homeland, yet we are also denied our human rights here in the Netherlands.

Info & Gespräch in Osnabrück: "We will rise - Refugee Strike"
No Lager Osnabrück
Heger-Tor-Wall 14 (Juridicum), Raum E 25, Osnabrück
Ein Informations- und Gesprächsabend zu den Protesten der Geflüchteten in Deutschland und im Lager Bramsche-Hesepe.
Seit nunmehr fast einem Jahr protestieren Geflüchtete in Deutschland.
Pro - refugee activists are invited! Please inform the refugees you know to join us and spread the call!!
Refugee workshop on Friday February 15th, 2013
with Osaren Igbinoba - The Voice Refugee Forum
Oranienplatz Circus tent
from 11 am until 2 pm - break - then from 3 until 6 pm.

Dear everyone,
We are excited to inform you that we successfully stopped the deportation of Osman tigani from Germany to Sudan.
Osman Tigani is free from the Deportation prison, he phoned to inform Maissara that he was freed from the deportation being deported today. I was not so sure that we could stop the deportation of Ousman but i never undermined the efforts and the support of everyone of you who join the caravan for rights of refugees and migrants network to make this happened.
An: Verwaltungssgericht Magdeburg
2. Kammer
Breiter W eg 203-206
39104 Magdeburg
Telefon: (0391)6060
Richter Köhler: (0391) 606 7003, Sekretariat (0391) 606 7040
Fax: (0391)606 7032
Email addresses:
Verwaltungsgericht Magdeburg:
"Wenn die Deutsche Regierung entschieden hat Osman abzuschieben, bedeutet dies, dass sie teilnimmt am Morden im Sudan. Wir versichern, dass jede Behörde, die an der Abschiebung beteiligt ist, zur Rechenschaft gezogen wird."
Mitteldeutsche Zeitung - Es geht um Leben und Tod
junge Welt Interview mit Maissara Saeed: Man wird ihn zum Schweigen bringen wollen
update: Organisationen und Medien sprachen heute mit dem Leiter Herr Liebau von der Abteilung 3 im Innenministerium. Dieser sagte, dass sie den Fall genau prüfen werden.
Inzwischen hat die Leipziger Rechtsanwältin Bergk die Rechtsvertretung von Herrn Osman übernommen. bitte beachten: Brief an Innenminister Holger Stahlknecht