Demonstration in Berlin am 13.Oktober
The Caravan Network Meeting On Break Isolation - Refugee Protest march 2012
"It is important to mobilize as many refugees as possible to Berlin, to the protest tent activities."
It is possible as well to start where you are. Organize protest actions and establish the connection to the running protest in Berlin. Gather the refugees in your areas and share the video material and the text available. Let Berlin be seen everywhere throughout Germany.
CARAVAN for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants
On Break Isolation - Refugee Protest march 2010
Break Isolation Camp Erfurt:
Strengthening the unity of refugee struggles against colonial injustice in
Zeitung der KARAWANE - publication…
The Caravan nationwide meeting on the BREAK ISOLATION Protest March in Berlin on the 22/23.September in Hamburg
Refugees mobilizing for the march actions
Discussion on the concrete support for the Berlin struggle took place.
The activist group should be joined by more and more refugees for higher visibility. Starting point will be the action in Wittenberg. Caravan activists will continue to focus on the demands of the protest march and the deportation collaboration with the embassy hearings under the headlines of colonial injustice.
Action forms in the framework of our physical presence in Berlin are discussed. The support of the Caravan network structures will be used.
Racism and colonial injustice will be moved into focus of the protest march by the participation and presence of African refugees.
The protest march is a new form of protest and has gained a new quality and momentum. The refugees are protesting offensively, showing their faces to the cameras, tearing their papers apart in a public action, massively publicized their situation.
The group of refugees performing the protest march is autonomously organized from the protest tent actions. The Caravan is supporting the march in different ways of logistics and Infrastructure, political support, publicity and online service, documentation and mobilization of other refugees are maintained nationwide by Caravan activists together with the marching refugees.
Information on:
It is a good time for the movement. Get involved!
Concrete calls:
The bus should be used to mobilize people, to join the bus and go to Berlin on the bus.
It is important to mobilize as many refugees as possible to Berlin, to the protest tent activities.
The Caravan should participate in the tent action and in the discussions
on how the protest will go on in Berlin from then on.
Proposal to install several small tents, each for one problem or issue (Residenzpflicht, isolation camps, deportation…).
The tent should be supported by the Caravan activists to maintain a long protest period and a stable political context.
The tent action should occupy space in Berlin to be present and visible as strong and as long as possible. Therefore a long term continuous support must be coordinated.
Support should not mean moral support but active, creative and powerful action. Infrastructure, sleeping places etc. should be involved in the planning and coordination with the Berlin group.
The “end” of the action must be planned because the refugee went on the march to leave their Lager and never come back. The signal of finishing the action and going back would be problematic. Proposals for the action must be collected.
The Caravan Network Meeting On Break Isolation - Refugee Protest march 2012
"It is important to mobilize as many refugees as possible to Berlin, to the protest tent activities."
It is possible as well to start where you are. Organize protest actions and establish the connection to the running protest in Berlin. Gather the refugees in your areas and share the video material and the text available. Let Berlin be seen everywhere throughout Germany.
Responsible persons:
Each local group has to discuss, when, for how long and how many supporters can go to Berlin. Each group calls a responsible person for coordination.
Berlin will send information on the development and their needs
Pressrelease: The VOICE Refugee Forum on Refugee Protest March from Würzburg to Berlin in Wittenberg
Events of the Refugee Protest march in Erfurt, 18.09.2012 at the Parliament of Thueringen
It’s too late to scream out for the NPD! - The march of the refugees becomes the march for the dignity of all the oppressed!
No Nazi, No State can stop our Movement: Statement of The VOICE Refugee Forum on NPD call against Refugee Protestmarch to Berlin
On the Move! Turgay Ulu: Films und Erklarung zum Break Isolation Camp and Protestmarsch nach Berlin
The longest refugee protest march in our time from Würzburg to Berlin - 18.09.12 Rally and Demonstration in Erfurt
Refugees in Germany continue the struggle to break the isolation
Der Protestmarsch der Geflüchteten und Asylbewerber_innen kommt nach Thüringen
The Caravan network support network: Reports on the protest march from würzburg to Berlin by Turgay Ulu and the video documentation team:
Zeitung der KARAWANE - publication…
Eng/Deut] IMA Solidarity from Holland on the Statement of Refugee Committee against the Arrest of Arash Dust Hossein in Würzburg
BERLIN (September 2012)
The refugees' march from Würzburg, Bavaria to Berlin began on September 8th 2012. This protest is a clear statement against residence obligation (Residenzpflicht), the law that stops refugees from leaving their district without permission, turning every German district into a prison without walls. It began in Würzburg, after Mohammad Rahsepar took his own life on January 29th 2012. He hanged himself by his own hand - but his murderers are those who kept up the camp system despite refugees' decade-long protests. His young neighbours from Iran didn't want to end like him and others who were mentally broken after years of living in an isolation camp. The evening before the beginning of spring, they stepped out on the street and started a strike in Würzburg, which still continues today. They left the isolation camps behind and chose to resist. In Würzburg they demonstrated their determination by actions, hunger strikes, thirst strikes, and sewing their lips shut.
We are the voice of all the asylum seekers who demand their right.
We shouted loudly, but nobody heard us.
Now we have sewn our lips shut, for everything has been said.
Their protest for the closure of all camps and complete abolishment of the residence obligation was joined by refugees elsewhere and continued in tents. Tents were erected in the German towns and cities ofAub and Bamberg (both Bavaria), Berlin, Düsseldorf (North Rhine-Westphalia), Nuremberg (Bavaria), Osnabrück (Lower Saxony), Passau and Regensburg (both Bavaria).
In order to bring together all protests and mobilise more refugees, the refugees went on a march to Berlin on September 8th 2012. On their way,
they visited refugees in isolation camps and declared their contempt for the residence obligation in every district.
Call for Refugee Protestmarch Würzburg Berlin from The VOICE Refugee Network on Vimeo.
During the first weekend of our BREAK ISOLATION refugee summer gathering here in Erfurt, we discussed the march with the coordination council of protesting refugees in tents and many other refugee activists. The march is actively supported by refugee activists from THE VOICE and the Caravan network. All possibilities will be used to inform refugees of the action.
In the federal countries of Thuringia and Sachsen-Anhalt, THE VOICE Refugee Forum will strengthen the march through actions, through political input from their fight against camps and through providing infrastructure.
In North Rhine-Westphalia, the local groups of the Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants in Wuppertal and Bielefeld and other anti-racist and anti-fascist groups will provide organisational support for the bus tour.
The most important goal of this action was named by members of THE VOICE Refugee Forum during a meeting with the coordination council of the protesting refugees: during this march we must all work to integrate the refugee struggles and work even more as a unit. It is extremely important for the continuity of our work to consider the experiences we have made during our struggles. This was put into practice during the ten-day refugee summer gathering. At the gathering, refugees who recently got to know the Caravan network and THE VOICE Refugee Forum gained practical and theoretical knowledge through discussions with each other and with refugee activists. There was a critical analysis of our understanding of
isolation, but not only the isolation of refugees but as well of their struggles in the current dominance and hierarchy structures.
Break Isolation Camp Erfurt:
Strengthening the unity of refugee struggles against colonial injustice in
The Logistics and caravan network documentation of the protestmarch was powered from the break isolation camp