To all those who see the need for change, Activists are invited to contribute their experiences on: States abuses of refugee rights, expulsion and deportation pratices, equal opportunity, empowering solidarity and equal opportunities forn freedom of movemts and for unconditional rights to stay by sending your inputs for the “2nd Refugee Seminar and Workshop on: How YOU can stop your deportation”
2nd Refugee Seminar and Workshop on: Stop the Deportations from Germany
Refugee Persecution Camp Struggles against Isolation and Deportation:
Refugee Persecution Camp Struggles
ADURO Music by Refugee Initiative
Schwäbisch Gmünd - Baden - Württemberg
11.04.2014 Polizeibrutalität gegen Flüchtlinge im Lager
15. Mai 2014 Polizeibrutalität gegen Flüchtlinge im Lager Schwäbisch Gmünd
15/05/2014 Offener Brief der Flüchtlinge an die Schwäbisch Gmünder Bürger - Protest against Police Brutality and Administrative Repression
20/04/2014, We are a group of refugee activists from Schwäbisch Gmünd: Protest Racist Police Control and Racial Profiling in Jena,..
13/04/2014, SOLIDARITY STATEMENT FOR THE REFUGEES in Schwabisch Gmünd by International Migrants Alliance -European Section
11/04/2014 Police Brutality with dogs and Pepper spray as Refugee protest continues against CCTV in Schwabisch Gmünd
Your Community needs you! Mbolo Yufanyi quotes:
“If you have a Community and that Community does not have you, then it is not a Community.”
If you do not love and defend what is yours, someone else would come and take it away from you. As sister Affiong L. Affiong says, 'If you are not part of the solution, then you are a part of the problem''
Biggy M Abdoul: if you refuse to serve your own community, you will be forced to serve someone's, so let's stand together for our community
Lager Percussion Workshop: "Asylheim" Katzhütte 26.04.2008
11/04/2008 -Wir, die Bewohner der Gemeinschaftsunterkunft Katzhütte, bitten um Solidarität und Unterstützung! WIR WOLLEN IN NORMALEN HÄUSERN LEBEN, NICHT IN BARACKEN!
03/06/2010 - Politik: Asylbewerberheim in Katzhütte geschlossen (Thür. Presse),
- How YOU can stop your deportations
Break Isolation Act!
Stop Deportations from Germany!
- Political persecution of refugees is the violations of social and basic rights in Europe.
Refugee Workshops: Could we realize deportation to be a crime of political persecution of refugees in Europe?
Discussing the awareness of abuses on Human Rights of refugees with the keywords on refugee persecution and crimes of deportation – Refugees will be under deportation threat until it going to be abolished as a machinery to scare people from self determination.
Hundreds of thousands of refugees have been and are still kept under daily deportation threats through the responsibility of Germany. So we ask again and again to those who are deported:
- Why are they deported
- Why they are going to be deported
- Who else is under deportation and
- Why they should be deported … again?
We want to:
- Fight our fear and insecurity from the crimes of intentional deportation abuses and violations of which we have to suffer from every day
- Identify keywords and denouncements of the crimes of deportation threats and deportation of refugees from Germany itself as a continuous crime to our ancestors and future
These threats and dangers to our lives through this Fear and insecurity in the name of refugees persecution and their crimes of Deportation could seen to be described within the following aspects: