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Warum Herr Li Jun Wen in Suhl im Gefängnis sitzt
Firma aus Oesterreich bietet Deportationen in speziell adaptierten gzeugen an (en-dt)
Vor einigen Monaten wurde folgender Plan bekannt: Rechtsanwalt Hermann Heller und die "Luftfahrtexperten" Carl Julius Wagner und Heinz Berger praesentierten eine Idee, wie sie aus Abschiebungen ein profitables Geschäft machen können:
"Die Abschiebeflugzeuge sollen folgendermaßen aussehen: kleine Kojen sollen montiert werden. Das soll die Bewegungsfreiheit der Betroffenen reduzieren, auf Fesseln und Klebebänder soll verzichtet werden. Alle
Metallteile sollen mit Schaumstoff abgedeckt, die Sanitäranlagen umgebaut werden. Außerdem soll eine Wachmannschaft, medizinisches Personal und einE BeobachterIn einer Menschenrechtsorganisation an Bord sein. Nach Angaben der drei umtriebigen Abschieber ist Österreich mit seinen 71 Luftabschiebungen im Jahr 2006 für den Betrieb eines derartigen Abschiebeflugzeugs zu klein. Daher laufe nun die "Marktforschung" bei den
europäischen Regierungen. Erst wenn der ungefähre Bedarf an Personen und Flugkilometern feststehe, könne auch die Entscheidung für die Flugzeugtype fallen."
Zitat aus dem Bericht vom 13. Mar 2007:
Profit durch Abschiebungen - http://no-racism.net/article/2012
Nun erschien ein Bericht, demzufolge die Firma "Asylum Airways" aus Oesterreich in Grossbritannien die Abschiebung von "Unruhe stiftenden" MigrantInnen in speziell adaptierten Flugzeugen anbietet:
Austrian company offers to remove UK's 'disruptive' migrants in adapted aircraft
A company specialising in removing failed asylum-seekers is to approach the Government with plans to use specially adapted aircraft to deport hundreds of "disruptive" refugees.
Asylum Airways, run by an Austrian aviation consultant with ties to British security firms, will operate aircraft for European countries which do not wish to use established airlines for the forced removal of
The planes will have specially designed seats so that the "passengers" can be strapped down and restrained by guards. A deal could save the Government millions of pounds compared with the piecemeal contracts it has
negotiated with dozens of airlines as well as reduce the number of aborted deportations.
Hundreds of asylum-seeker removals have had to be aborted in the past two years because of what the Home Office describes as "disruptive behaviour".
And in the past few months airlines have been criticised for carrying failed asylum-seekers, many of whom allege they have been physically and racially abused by private security guards paid to escort them.
Earlier this year XL airlines announced that it would no longer work with the Home Office in removing failed asylum-seekers. But British Airways and others argue that they have a legal duty to take asylum-seekers on their aircraft.
Heinz Berger, who has set up the Asylum Airlines company and has worked with British companies providing security at British airports, says that he is still involved with the "bureaucracy" of the scheme but has
identified Britain as a key market for his service.
Mr Berger said that Britain was on a list of countries with whom he was seeking to do business. He said there was "ongoing interest all over Europe" for an airline that will organise flights around Europe, picking
up failed asylum-seekers from various countries and then flying them back to their home nations around Africa, the Middle East and Asia.
A special feature will be bespoke aircraft with padded rooms and restraining equipment.
Figures released under the Freedom of Information Act show that the removal of hundreds of asylum-seekers each year has to be cancelled because of "disruptive behaviour". But this can include medical problems as well as complaints from passengers.
A spokeswoman for the Home Office said that while the Government was "open to new ideas" she said the present arrangements were working "pretty well".
Article by Robert Verkaik, Law Editor
Published: 27 December 2007
Informationen gegen Abschiebungen: