Refugees Initiative Schwäbisch Gmünd
Isolation Lager for Refugees
Oberbettringer Straße 176
73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd
Refugees Initiative Schwäbisch Gmünd
Isolationslager für geflüchtete Menschen
Oberbettringer Straße 176
73525 Schwäbisch Gmünd
Refugee-demonstration on the 21st of February 2015 at 2 o clock in Plauen/Vogtland.
Refugees from Plauen and Chemnitz organize this demonstration.
refugee support Plauen and the asylum seekers Saxony
In memory of Ahmed, we will not forget.
We refugees from Sachsen Anhalt are going to hold a preparatory meeting concerning our initiated campaign and action.
This meeting will hold in Vockerode on 26.02.2015 at arround 12 Hours.
This campaign was initiated from our network of the "Flüchtlingsbewegung" Sachsen Anhalt, the Caravan for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants and the Voice Refugee Forum. It was also presented to the Anti-Racist Network Sachsen Anhalt.
Jerry Bagaza, Flüchtlingsaktivist vom Lager Wolfsburg/Fallersleben, klagt gegen die Ausländerbehörde Wolfsburg vor dem Verwaltungsgericht Braunschweig.
Bild: Blockupy Frankfurt by
Our time to act has come!
Transnational actions against the European Central Bank’s opening: March 18th 2015 in Frankfurt
Foto: Aufruf zum 8. Gedenkmarsch zur Erinnerung an die afrikanischen Opfer von Versklavung, Menschenhandel, Kolonialismus und rassistischer Gewalt.
Date: 28.02.2015; Time: 11:00 h am Start: Wilhelmstr. 92 , 10117 Berlin
"Enough is enough" - refugees in Wolfsburg raise their voice
On the 27th of April 2013 about 150 people gathered at Wolfsburg Hauptbahnhof
Jerry Bagaza, an activist from Lager Wolfsburg anouncing 20th February Braunschweig court hearing amd The *Memorial Rally for Shambu Lama in Gifhorn
The two dates of events:
Dubious deportation Clearance with Nigerian Embassy delegation on 23-27 Feb in Dortmund
Problemfall Abschiebung (1/2)
Dubious delegation from the Nigerian embassy will once again identify black African Refugees for deportation clearance.
Für Samstag, den 21.02. haben Geflüchtete aus Plauen eine Demonstration unter dem Motto „In Memory Of Ahmed, We’ll Not Forget“ (Im Gedenken an Ahmed, wir vergessen nicht)