Die Abschiebung, die niemals statt fand
iwspace berlin
ENGLISH Version weiter unten -The deportation that never was
Die Abschiebung, die niemals statt fand
Mises à jour et entrées sur la 1ère réunion préparatoire sur les Réfugiés / Migrants à Berlin.
Du 7 au 8 juillet 2016 sur l'auto-organisation et de réseautage.
Dringend benötigt! Finanzielle Unterstützung für Flüchtlingscommunity-Treffen in Deutschland: Das Unrecht gegenüber Flüchtlingen hat viele Gesichter!
Hallo an alle,
Urgent Donation Needed:
Please support us by public donation to inspire self-organized movement of refugees in Germany
Donation account
Code: „Refugee Activism“
The VOICE e. V
Sparkasse Göttingen
Kontonummer: 127829
BLZ: 260 500 01
IBAN: DE97 2605 0001 0000 1278 29
Regular meetings will continue:
Highlights of the Community Meeting: Networking and Working groups on the 28th -31st of July in Jena.
For Refugee-Migrants Community Activists
Place: Internationales Centrum, Haus auf der Mauer, Johannisplatz 26, 07743 Jena.
Our Presence Reflects The Power Of Our Movement#Solidarity Networking of Refugee Communities http://thevoiceforum.org/node/4203
Appeal For Urgent Donation Needed: public donation to inspire self-organized movement of refugees#Germany http://thevoiceforum.org/node/4204
Updates and Inputs on the 1st. Refugee/Migrant Preparatory Meeting in Berlin.
7th-8th.07.2016 on Self-organization and Networking.
"This Photo Is A Reflection On Bermuda Triangle: The more you look the less you see and vis a vis. Any struggle of resistance against injustice without a vision has no mission - My mission is a movement of our life time conviction and solution to expose and fight against the injustice" By Osaren Igbinoba
The Injustice Against Refugees Has Many Faces:
The unity of the refugees in Germany and Europe is the final solution to the problems of refugees oppression. There will never be a final solution until we fight and Struggle to unite in the refugee community.
Demo So. 10.07.2016, 14:00 Uhr, Hermannplatz
Abschiebungen von Rom*nja stoppen!
Nachkommen von Völkermord-Opfern Schutz und Lebensperspektive bieten – Bleiberecht für alle Rom*nja!
Seit Mai protestieren wir Rom*nja familien in Berlin gegen die uns drohende Abschiebung, für unser Bleiberecht und ein Bleiberecht für alle Rom*nja.
Photo from the 20. years anniversary of The VOICE Refugee Forum in Jena (2014)
Telesur Tv. net: Opinion > Interviews with Osaren Igbinoba
Igbinoba mocked more high-profile European groups like Welcome Refugees, which have “no resistance, no struggle” and for whom “humanitarianism is selective” in the face of continuing deportations.
He added that he won’t wait for “so-called leftists,” “so-called democracy” or the media—which “doesn’t have anything for us” and “mak(es) a joke out of refugees”—to catch up.
How Refugees Resist and Why They Don't Need Your Help
By: Naomi Cohen, TelesurTv.net
"If you've come to help me, you're wasting your time," reads the cover photo of a refugee-only Facebook group, quoting the Aboriginal activist Lilla Watson.
Sharing Is Caring, In Solidarity We Remain Connected
Invitation to Break Deportation Network Meeting at the 25.06.2016 at 3 pm; Gotthardtstraße 21, 4. Floor, 99084 Erfurt
Join the Campaign on Refugee Self-organisation in Thueringen continues
What is it?:
- open meetings once a month in different cities in thuringia
- especially for refugees to come together and talk about their problems internally and also to - - publish them (for example in a campaign)
- situation of refugees in different cities and camps (Lager);
- general political situation