KARAWANE-FESTIVAL 2010 - NEWSLETTER 4 Termine: Mobilization und Kampagne
Presentation of Aktion Bleiberecht Freiburg and The Voice Refugee Forum in Freiburg
Log and appeal from Freiburg for the Karawane Festival on June 4th till 6th 2010 in Jena
At the beginning of the presentation, which was attended by around 40 people during the evening, members of Aktion Bleiberecht Freiburg dealt with the Residenzpflicht as an instrument of oppression, deviation and control of the employment market for low-wage jobs . They also introduced the so called �Communal Process Against Racist Discrimination� which was started in Freiburg recently.
The �Residenzpflicht�- a german history of oppression
During the colonial era it was used by the Germans in Cameroon as an instrument of control. With the introduction of a so called register for natives and an auxiliary passport (a badge made from sheet) they tried to shorten the freedom of movement of the Cameroon people
In the Third Reich Residenzpflicht could be found in the �Reichgesetzblatt� from 1938, �7 Foreigners got only a regional limited residence permit, which was depend on the element of work
With the aliens act of 1969 its today also possible to shorten the freedom of movement for immigrants in Germany
The Residenzpflicht, which was introduced in the Asylverfahrensgesetzes of 1982 is part of a continuation of the repressive German immigration politics and has to be considered exactly as this
�Residenzpflicht� today
Since a solution in 1975 the Residenzpflicht is also used as an instrument to allot low-wage-jobs to small areas (rural and city districts). From 1982 on the government also started to built heaps of refugee camps all over Germany to assert a system of control, requirements and administration standards. The peripheral organised camp system is only working because of the Residenzpflicht. Due to it the concerned persons are relegate to nothing more than low-wages-jobbers to help the local economy. So as The Voice pointed out, the system is born out of colonial circumstances. People who fight the Residenzpflicht and take their right of freedom of movement are criminalised by the German authorities.
Communal Process Against Racist Discrimination in Freiburg- how can we fight the local injustice?
Since April 2009 Aktion Bleiberecht (abr) is building up the Communal Process Against Racist Discrimination. They want all inhabitants to be equal and are trying to build up a wide publicity for the issue, which is unknown to a lot of people. Abr assumes that there is a wide range of people and political organisations who don�t accept the present racist system and are willing to fight it. Even the town council is disclosing a positive opinion to the issue of Sans Papiers, against racism and against the deportation of Romanies. Mostly, those solutions are worthless because they are nothing more than theory, but they provide a possibility to make grievances public and change them. The present legal situation isn�t acceptable and abr isn�t working for a change within it, as it is considering people only as an economical factor. Abr wants a society without racism and social exclusion and is working for a total change. We know that we�re not the only ones who are looking for that change!
The Voice Refugee Forum in Freiburg
A spokesperson of The Voice showed how Residenzpflicht is working in Germany at the example of the rural district of Biberach. Refugees who are living there are usually not able to leave the district at all. A dramatic example is the story of an young Afghani who wasn�t able to see his parents because of the Residenzpflicht, as they were living in another district. The Voice is fighting the Residenzpflicht for more than 10 years, but also perceives it only as one puzzle piece in the jigsaw of refugee oppression.
O. pointed up the political claim of The Voice. An important point is to see refugees not in victimhood. Lots of NGOs, even anti-racist ones, started to see them only as victims. The Voice is working for a change in the system on par with all willing to change it. A �Bleiberechtsregelung� with thousands of exception isn�t the change needed. Refugees are caught in a neo-colonial system in Germany. What they need are the full citizen rights without reserve!
To bring up a political movement for refugees in Germany, a change in mentality is needed. Lets fight on par for the rights of refugees! The Karawane Festival in Jena (4th to 6th June 2010) should provide us a possibility to find the basic for a new protest movement for the rights of refugees. To let this happen, it is necessary that a lot of groups and organisations are helping with the set-up. The festival is also important for the further political development of the Karawane itself. We want to find a new political strength to fight the attacks of the state and the criminalisation we have to deal with. Remember everybody- we have the power to make a change! They might have the governance but we have the power!!!
Karawane Festival- 4th to 6th June 2010 in Jena
The festival is supposed to be a central activity of protest against the �Fortress Europe� and is taking place in memory of all victims of this fortess. Its supposed to have an African mask procession, concerts and a lot of other cultural events. There will also be a symbolic funeral for all those refugees who met their death on the ocean and at the external frontiers of Europe. The whole festival shall be a �reclaim the streets of Jena� action! To make this a powerful event, the work of many groups is needed! More information about �Das KARAWANE Festival 4.-6. Juni 2010 in Jena � In Gedenken an all die Opfer der Festung Europa� can be found on the homepage of The Voice.
Aktion Bleiberecht Freiburg wants to maintain the festival wherever possible. They are going to write a local appeal for the festival and are going to promote the festival at the BUKO and other events.
aktionbleiberecht in Freiburg
KARAWANE-Kulturfestival vom 4.-6. Juni 2010 in Jena
"Vereint gegen koloniales Unrecht in Erinnerung an die Toten der Festung Europa"
Überregionale Info für das Karawanefestival 4.- 6. Juni 2010 in Jena: + (Texts in English)
Zentraler Aufruf zum Karawane-Festival vom 4. bis 6. Juni 2010 in Jena
Offene Einladung zum Bundesweites Planungstreffen am 23.-24. Januar 2010 in Jena
Parade und Festival in Jena: Vereint gegen koloniales Unrecht! Veranstaltung in Frankfurt.
"Vereint gegen koloniales Unrecht in Erinnerung an die Toten der Festung Europa"
Please help to spread the inivitation call for participation in the Festival events!
Lets do it! Solidarity is our weapon!, we have the power, we set the rules and take responsibility! "Unite against colonial injustice, in memory of the dead victims of the fortress Europe"
Freiburg's Presentation and Appeal for the Karawane Festival - 04 to 06.06.2010 in Jena - Here we stay without Residenzpflicht!
Central Call to The Caravan Festival from 4th - 6th June 2010
Open invitation to the Nationwide Preparation Meeting in January 23rd and 24th, 2010 in Jena
Unite against colonial injustice in memory of the dead victims of Fortress Europe