Workshop zum Hass der Deutschen auf die Flüchtlinge und die systematischen Lügen zwecks Massenabschiebung von Flüchtlingen. Den Flüchlingen wird die Schuld für alle Übel der deutschen Gesellschaft in die Schuhe geschoben.
Links to Translations in Eng/Frz/Esp/Serb/Deu] on Refugee Solidarity Network Empowerment
Invitation to International Refugee Conference in Hamburg - Workshop on Germans hatred of the refugees and systematic lies to execute the mass deportation of refugees - Refugees are blamed for all the wrongs of German society's troubles
No Refugee is Criminal - Deportation is Collective Crime and Corruption:
In Solidarity with North African Deportees and Victims of Deportation from Germany.
During the 1918 in the last century a story circulated in which an Anti-Semite claimed that the culprits of the First World War were the Jews. His interlocutor answered: „Yes the Jews and the cyclists. “. So the first one asked: „Why the cyclists?" And the second one answered: „And why the Jews?“.
This story also reveals the similarity in the depth and breath of the racist culture in Germany with the discrimination against refugees and most especially for the deportation of North Africans in our time.
We repeat our condemnation of all forms of abuses and violence committed by individuals, groups or states.
We also reiterate our unconditional support and our solidarity with all victims of machismo and discrimination, be it refugees, migrants or Europeans...
Following the events of the New Year’s Eve, in Köln and other cities, which we qualify as cowardly, nasty and miserly, the German Government has made it their task to deport North Africans who are asking for the fundamental human right of international protection, also known as asylum rights.
The majority knows the story; in one night according to all sources consulted, 900 women were harassed...
We will not put into question the veracity or/and the magnitude of the tragedy, but we ask ourselves if all happened the way the police, the press and the German propaganda has ensured?! Or are we witnessing an arbitrary assignment of guilt to a racialist group? Is it a political maneuver to make the deportation of this community easy for the public opinion to accept!?
To answer this and more questions, we have the pleasure to invite you to participate in the workshop conducted by The Voice activists in collaboration with The North African community
On *Saturday 27th of February a Kampnagel, Jarrestr 20D-22303 Hamburg, starting from 12:45 in the room N°6 A*_ on :
“*NO REFUGEE IS CRIMINAL, DEPORTATION IS A COLLECTIVE CRIME”* https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4096
In solidarity
*The Voice Refugee Forum* Email: thevoiceforum@gmx.de and *The North African Community* Email: na.community@gmx.de
Refugee Conference 2016 http://refugeeconference.blogsport.de
Links to:
The VOICE- Refugee Community Soliadarity Network and Empowerment in Germany
The Political MOVEMENT- Appeal to Refugee Communities for Solidarity Network in Germany and Europe
North African community in Germany:
No Refugee is Criminal - Deportation is Collective Crime and Corruption
Spread the Call for solidarity from the refugee networks with the North African community
Konradsreuth – Bayern:
Appeal for Refugee Community Network from Konradsreuth – Bayern
Die politische BEWEGUNG - Aufruf an die Flüchtlings-Communities für ein Solidaritätsnetzwerk in Deutschland und Europa
Nordafrikanischen Community
Verbreitet den Aufruf zur Solidarität der Flüchtlingsnetzwerke mit der nordafrikanischen Community https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4089
KEIN FLÜCHTLING IST EIN VERBRECHER! - Abschiebung ist ein kollektives Verbrechen und Korruption https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4105
Le MOUVEMENT Politique - appel aux communautés de réfugiés pour un Réseau de solidarité en Allemagne et en Europe https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4100
N'a pas réfugié n´est criminel – La déportation est un crime collectif et de la corruption https://thevoiceforum.org/node/4102
Répandre l'appel à la solidarité des réseaux de réfugiés avec la communauté maghrébine – APPORTEZ VOTRE SOLIDARITÉ À LA COMMUNAUTÉ NORD-AFRICAINE.
Konradsreuth - Bavière:
Appel pour les réfugiés Réseau communautaire de Konradsreuth - Bavière
Politički POKRET – apel Zajednicama izbeglica za Mrežu solidarnosti u Nemačkoj i Evropi http://thecaravan.org/node/4431
Nijedna izbeglica nije kriminalac- deportacija je kolektivni zločin i korupcija
Llamamiento para la Red de la Comunidad de Refugiados de Alemania
Призыв к беженцам сети сообщества из Konradsreuth - Бавария