Internationale Liga für Menschenrechte - Komitee für Grundrechte und Demokratie -
Initiative in Gedenken an Oury Jalloh e. V.
Ausländerbehörde des Landkreises Wittenberg und seine Arroganz. Wir sagen nein!, es ist jetz genug!…
Refugees in Möhlau are demanding for their legal right to be respected (Landkreis Wittenberg)

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Petitionsausschuß des Deutschen Bundestages in Deutschland
Solidarisieren und mitmarschieren beim Europäischen Marsch der Sanspapiers und der MigrantInnen

Azar Darakhshan, an internationalist Iranian communist woman refugee, the companion and supporter of women movement, was deceased
Pastor Joshua Esosa during the interview and The story of his tribulation
Warning Letter to Nigerian President G.E.Jonathan to stop the Fortcoming Nigerian Deportation Hearing of 18-22 June in Munich
The VOICE Refugee Forum
(Stuttgart Office)
Böblingerstr 105
D - 70199 Heslach-Stuugart
The President,
Federal Republic of Nigeria
His Exellency,
Mr Goodluck Ebele Jonathan
Abuja – Nigeria
Ambassador Abdul Usman Abubakar
Nigeria Embassy Berlin
Neue Jakobstraße 4 10179 Berlin
F. 030- 30-21230212
Dear Sir,
The alarming German-European continious engagement in the massive and brutal expulsion of Refugees and migrants gives a clear signal of hatred and the German endless war on Migration.
One of the strategies implored in this direction is the German-European practices of Manipulating and corrupting of Refugee Country delegates and Embassy Officials to collaborate in the corrupt issuance of deportation Certificates to facilitate and legitimate their Brutal exclusion and racist Policies.
Nigerian Embassy Officials are routinely engaged in a Gestapo form of forced deportation hearing conducted in different German Cities on a monthly basis lasting a minimum duration of 4 working days at every respective Hearing.
This age-long and widely criticised corrupt collaboration from The VOICE Refugee Forum and many other Refugee and non Refugee Community Networks alongside negotiation between Lobby Networks and the Nigerian Embassy Officials seems to have yielded nothing but a more secretive and intensive involvment of the Nigerian Embassy in this Collaboration which has been criticised as Colonial, a form of racist elimination and a continious portrayal of the German Culture of dorminance with a show of Refugee countries as backward.
It is in this vain that The VOICE Refugee Forum on behalf of Refugees and Migrant communities, Antiracist Networks, interested individuals and many other Community Networks of the Oppressed are demanding in First Instance:
Immidiate cancellation of the Fortcoming deportation Hearing of 18-22 June in Münich.
The repercusion of undertaking the such deportation hearing will provoke an indefinate occupation of the Nigerian Embassy in Berlin.
Further more, we are calling on the Nigerian Governments withdrawal of any form of deportation aggreement with Germany and Frontex (i.e) the January 2012 Warsaw aggreement between Nigeria and Frontex.
Enough is Enough
At this end, we are hereby calling on Ambassador Abdul Usman Abubakar to adhere to this demand otherwise the scandal would excalate beyond just an indifinate Occuppation the Nigerian Embassy in Germany.
Report on the Protest Rally and Demonstration against the Nigeria Embassy Deportation Collaboration in Germany, May 2012 Berlin
Rex Osa
The VOICE Refugee Forum
Tel: 017627873832
Activists Protest the German Police Blockade of Nigerian Embassy and Against Deportation Collaboration in Berlin
VIDEO by Cassiano Griesang - Activists Protest the German Police Blockade of Nigerian Embassy and Against Deportation Collaoration in Berlin
Press release by The VOICE Refugee Forum
Published on Tuesday, 09th of May 2012
Action days 9th-11th of May in Berlin: Refugee protest against embassies‘ collaboration for deportation More info:
VIDEO claudio Feliziani:
The VOICE Refugee Forum (Stuttgart) Protest against the Nigerian Embassy Deportation Collaboration in Berlin

Aktionstage in Berlin gegen die Botschaftskollaboration bei Abschiebungen
Deportation is Colonial Persecution!!
Christy Schwundeck ist nun schon seit einem Jahr tot und immer noch wissen wir nicht, wie es zu ihrer Tötung kam.
Für Christy Schwundeck und alle die anderen Opfer rassistischer Polizeigewalt! 2.Juni, 13°° Hauptbahnhof
Demonstration on Saturday, 2nd June 2012 at 13pm (Hauptbahnhof Frankfurt am main)
We Look Forward to your Participation!
We still Demand : Investigations and Justice!