Für Sonntag, den 05.10., hatte die Thüringer Geflüchteteninitiative The Voice Refugee und der AK Asyl aus Göttingen zu einer Kundgebung in Breitenworbis aufgerufen. Dem Aufruf anlässlich des 20-jährigen Bestehens der Organisation folgten circa 100 Menschen.
We are aware of you; we know that our friends and comrades are occupying squares, schools, churches for their rights and life: To live with dignity, equally and with no need to escape to preserve life.
We understand you; as our people and our country -which does not only belong to us but to many- is divided, we know what it means not to be able to move freely. We know the oppression that comes along; assimilation, shame and death.
Pressemitteilung, 10.10.2014 von Kulturverein Mesopotamien Erfurt
Heute findet ab 17 Uhr der Abschluss der Hungerstreikaktion, wozu wir alle einladen.
On FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Saturday 11th of October 2014/ Samstag 11.10.2014 at 7pm/um 19:00 Uhr
Tops for this week's radio programme:
Report: The VOICE 20th Anniversary in Jena, discussion with Yufanyi Mbolo and other The VOICE activists
News on the case of OURY JALLOH, discussion with Mouctar Bah
Themen der dieswöchigen Sendung sind:
Press Release, 8th of October 2014
Watch The Med Alarm Phone against Left-to-die cases at Sea
Presseerklärung vom 08.10.2014
Pressekonferenz in Berlin am 10.10.2014
»Watch the Med«-Notruftelefon gegen das Sterben-Lassen auf See»
Transnationales Netzwerk alarmiert ab 10.10.2014 bei Seenot und Rückschiebungen
Message of Solidarity to the Voice Refugee Forum of Germany on its 20th anniversary
1 October 2014
The International Migrants’ Alliance (IMA) – Europe, sends its most militant greetings and solidarity with our comrades in struggle in the Voice Refugee Forum of Germany, as they celebrate their 20 years of tirelessly fighting for the rights of refugees in Germany and against racism, discrimination, human rights violations, fascism and corporate totalitarianism.
Da wir aus Wuppertal, Velbert, Düsseldorf, Remscheid.... leider aus verschiedenen persönlichen und Arbeitsgründen nicht zu eurem 20-jährigem Jubiläumsfest nach Jena kommen können, möchten wir euch auf diesem Wege spannende, nachdenkliche, begeisternde, überraschende, solidarische und nicht zuletzt auch fröhliche Stunden und Tage wünschen.
20 Jahre THE VOICE.... was bedeutet das für uns?
THE VOICE bedeutet für uns:
Dear friends of THE VOICE Refugee Forum!
Because we unfortunately cannot come to your 20 year anniversary celebration to Jena from Wuppertal, Velbert, Dusseldorf, Remscheid for various personal and professional reasons, we want to wish you herewith exciting, reflective, inspiring, surprising, solidary, and last not least also happy hours and days.
THE VOICE 20 years .... what does this mean to us?