Foto: Lampedusa Tent
[lampedusa-in-hamburg] Black Lives matter! Court-case against Issaka (LiH)
Issaka, a comrade of the Lampedusa group, wanted to go back home since many months because he is not seeing a perspective here - the live as a refugee has made him ill - but first, he needed his passport and, second, he could not go on the journey alone. Instead, since May he is in prison because - having no money - he used the HVV (public transportation) without ticket and - panicking in confrontation with people in uniform as a traumatized refugee - he resisted the policepeople who arrested him.
foto: Activists from Bremen, Berlin and Kiel
Sei realistisch, versuch das Unmögliche! Über das Treffen der politischen Gemeinschaft der Flüchlinge und Migrant_innen in Hamburg
Erste Mitteilung eines Flüchtlingsaktivisten aus Bremen über das Treffen der politischen Gemeinschaft der Flüchtlinge und Migrant_innen in Hamburg, 18. August 2016
Sei realistisch, versuche das Unmögliche!
Wir dokumentieren den Aufruf von Lampedusa in Hamburg:
Wir sind hier um zu bleiben – und unser Protestzelt muss auch bleiben!
Kommt zum Zelt-Aktions-Tag am 10. Sept. 2016 von 14 bis 17 Uhr! (am Lampedusa-Zelt zwischen Hauptbahnhof und ZOB)
Das Lampedusa-Zelt am Hauptbahnhof – warum ist es wichtig?
Foto: La réunion communautaire politique des réfugiés-migrants à Hambourg
Notez d’abord, les réfugiés militants de Brême à la réunion communautaire politique des réfugiés-migrants à Hambourg, le 18.08.2016.
Erfurt State Court, 24.08.2016: 'Police are Racists, too!' Lawsuit Ended in Acquittal.
We have to state it again and again: Police are racists, too! Report from the courtroom by Sabotnik infoshop
The appeal process against Igor ended in acquittal on Tuesday, 23.08.2016. Yesterday, in the Erfurt State Court of Thuringia, it was the agreement by the judge and state attorney that the statement 'Police are racists, too!' is no criminal offence that surprised most. The judge and state attorney made clear that Igor's behaviour does not justify a conviction.
Das muss man immer wieder feststellen: Auch Polizist*innen sind Rassist*innen! Bericht aus dem Gerichtssaal bei Infoladen Sabotnik
First note refugee activist from Bremen on Refugee-Migrant Political Community Meeting in Hamburg, 18.08.2016.
Be realist, look for the impossible!
we, refugees and migrants as a part of oppressed people have a very strong desire for a world without war , discrimination , social exclusion, exploitation , colonialism, racisms , sexisms and ... we know by our experience that we can achieve this kind of free society for all of human beings through our solidarity and collective fight for freedom.
Français/English/Deutsch: "We are are coming to you" - The refugee community needs you!
Appel aux réfugiés et migrants participant à la réunion cette semaine à Hambourg et en soutien
Hambourg: "Nous venons chez vous" - La communauté des réfugiés a besoin de vous!