The VOICE Refugee Lager Visit and Support in Thueringen
Open Meeting of Nord Thueringen Refugee Community will take in Nordhausen on the 03.08.2011
Refugee Communities from Felchta/Mühlhausen in Unstrut-Hainich-Kreis, Gernrode/Breitenworbis in Landkreis Eichsfeld, Rockensußra/ Sondershausen im Landkreis Kyffhäuserkreis and Landkreis Nordhausen.
Agenda for discussion:
- Refugee community development in Nord Thueringen
- The Solidarity Campaign to "Close down the Refugee Isolation camp" in Genrode/Breitenworbis.
- Proposals for the First Conference of Nord Thueringen Refugee and Community coordination
Reclaim the Agenda - Break isolation of refugees from the lager camps:
Public Notice: More drivers, cars and (media-) activists needed: Call for support of refugee network in Thüringen
We are currently building up broader and stronger networks of refugees in Thüringen. For this, we frequently visit lagers, organize info-events and conferences. Besides the lack of money, we urgently need drivers who can take the activists from Jena, Zella-Mehlis, Apolda, Erfurt, Weimar, Waltershausen and Felchta to the different lagers or events.If you need more information from Thueringen, please get in touch with us:
If you have free time for some days or weeks in summer and you want to take part and to join in supporting our daily struggles in Thueringen: From our growing spirit of resistance against isolation in refugee lagers we are calling on activists and supporters to feel free to come over here and to drive with the activists to refugee lagers. Media activists are welcome as part of our documentation program. If you are from outside Jena/Thüringen, we can provide a free apartment (flat) from middle of August until October in Jena.
We are organised with refugees in the lagers for public events and community exchange. We have continued our visits to lagers for exchange program and documentation of the refugee communities here on regular basis, these will be highlighted during the meetings of all the refugee lager delegates in Thueringen from the month of September this year before the refugee demonstration on the 22nd of October, in Erfurt.
Break the isolation of the refugees - close down the lagers!
Regional Events:
Open Meeting of East Thueringen Refugee Community in Gera
Open Meeting of Nord Thueringen Refugee Community will take place in Nordhausen
Residenzpflicht in Thüringen - Bis zur Kreisstadt und dann stopp! Taz press
We need your support!
Förderverein The VOICE e.V.
Konto: 127829
BLZ: 26050001
Sparkasse Göttingen
What does The VOICE continuously stand for?
Reclaim the Agenda - Break isolation of refugees:
July 3-4, 2011
The Second General Assembly of the International Migrants Alliance, held on July 3-4 2011, was concluded with an even stronger commitment from its member and participating organizations from across the globe to continue building and strengthening an international movement of migrants and refugees against imperialism.
Einladung zum bundesweiten KARAWANE-Treffen in Hamburg
Invitation to the nation-wide meeting of the CARAVAN to be held in Hamburg on August 13 and 14, 2011
Erste niedersächsische Flüchtlingskonferenz: ein starker Ausdruck der Solidarität und des gemeinsamen Kampfes
Die Position der „Flüchtlingsinitiative Möhlau Wittenberg” zur Entscheidung des Kreistages Wittenberg:
Die „Flüchtlingsinitiative Möhlau Wittenberg“ erkennt die Entscheidung der Unterbringung von 100 Personen, vorrangig Familien, in dezentrale Privatunterkünfte im Landkreis Wittenberg an, ist jedoch mit der Entscheidung, dass die restlichen 100 Flüchtlinge, vorrangig Einzelpersonen, weiterhin im Lager Möhlau isoliert und ausgeschlossen werden sollen, anstatt in Privatunterkünfte in Wittenberg oder Gräfenhainichen untergebracht zu werden , nicht einverstanden.