Fridays for future invited Together-We-Are-Bremen for a speech. Jimoh Jamiu Babalola had a speech on the situation of PoC Ukrainian refugees in Bremen. And about the long history of migrating Europeans, who destroyed, polluted and murdered.
Video: (September 9. 2022)
On December 9, 2022, in Berlin, Germany, which was the 41st (!) anniversary of journalist Mumia Abu Jamal's captivity in rememberance of his terrible detention.
Activists organized in solidarity and marched with Palestinian, Kurdish, and indigenous activists in favor of Free Mumial.
Call for support by Refugees in the city of Bitterfeld-Wolfen demanding Justice and Equal treatment
Appel au soutien des réfugiés de la ville de Bitterfeld-Wolfen demandant justice et égalité de traitement
72nd. Edition: Tune in to THE VOICES with Mbolo Yufanyi, and Co.
Time/Zeit: 6pm/um 18:00 Uhr On Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Saturday 17th Dec. 2022/ Samstag 17. Dez. 2022
Les réfugiés de la ville de Bitterfeld-Wolfen dans le département d'Anhalt-Bitterfeld en Saxe-Anhalt manifestent contre le racisme et d'autres formes de discrimination.
English: Refugees in the city of Bitterfeld-Wolfen in the district of Anhalt-Bitterfeld in Saxony-Anhalt are protesting against Racism and other forms of discrimination.
Deutsch: Flüchtlinge in der Stadt Bitterfeld-Wolfen im Landkreis Anhalt-Bitterfeld in Sachsen-Anhalt protestieren gegen Rassismus und andere Formen der Diskriminierung.
Do you know the VOICE Refugee Forum and "The Struggle for Political Self-determined Organisation"? if not, here is the opportunity:
Commemorating 28 years of the VOICE‘s existence - We have a different NARRATIVE
Part I: Our Lessons and NARRATIVES about the “State-of-the-art” of the Refugees and Migrants refugee movement in Germany
Radio Podcast: With activists from The VOICE on Reboot FM 88.4 MHz in Berlin & 90.7 MHz in Potsdam:
Reflections and Analysis on the Work of The VOICE Refugee Forum with Mbolo Yufanyi, Mai Zeidani Yufanyi, Sunny Omwenyeke and Osaren Igbinoba.
Original Abstract Digital Art: of Emotan Arts (2022) by Osaren Igbinoba.
Radio Podcast on Rebootfm: Commemorating 28 years of the VOICE‘s existence - Our Lessons and NARRATIVES about the “State-of-the-art” of the Refugees and Migrants refugee movement in Germany: Part I
Do you know the VOICE Refugee Forum and "The Struggle for Political Self-determined Organisation"? if not, here is the opportunity
Radio Podcast: With activists from The VOICE on Reboot FM 88.4 MHz in Berlin & 90.7 MHz in Potsdam:
Reflections and Analysis on the Work of The VOICE Refugee Forum with Mbolo Yufanyi, Mai Zeidani Yufanyi, Sunny Omwenyeke and Osaren Igbinoba.
Mirror the refugee struggles - Observed and Obsever.
Original Abstract Digital Art of: Emotan Arts (2022) by Osaren Igbinoba.
"If the grassroots political struggle for the self-organisation of the oppressed is not able to strengthen the self-determination of the oppressed community in terms of full political autonomy and independence, these political spaces of the communities often become the place of political socialisation of the oppressors, instead of the resistance"
This artwork was first published in The VOICE Group in January 2022 under the title "The Similarity in Knowledge – the Observed and the Observer". It was created on the way back from Hamburg to Jena and after the discussions with friends and activists in Hamburg about White Supremacy, which inspired me to create my first abstract digital artwork dedicated to the political activism of The VOICE after its 25th anniversary.
25 Years Anniversary of “The VOICE” Refugee Forum (2019)
Donation / Spende:
Kontonummer: 127829
BLZ: 260 500 01
IBAN: DE97 2605 0001 0000 1278 29
We mourn the loss of Salam Shanan, a mother and revolutionary activist of The VOICE Refugee Forum
Deutsch: Wir trauern um Salam Shenan, eine Mutter und revolutionäre Aktivistin des The VOICE Refugee Forums.
English: Message from Tawfik Lbebidy on the death of their mother Salam Shanan
Deutsch: Eine Botschaft ihres Sohnes, Tawfik Lbebidy, im Namen seiner Familie
Photo: The VOICE Refugee Forum
70th. Edition: Tune in to THE VOICES with Mbolo Yufanyi, and Co.
Time/Zeit: 6pm/um 18:00 Uhr On Reboot FM 88,4 MHz in Berlin & 90,7 MHz in Potsdam.
Saturday 21st May. 2022/ Samstag 21. Mai. 2022
- Taking Stock of The VOICE Refugee Forum’s social and political engagements, re-enacting our roadmap and blue prints of political demands. A Talk with activists of our grass-root movements, also with Interview from an activist of the BADU (Black African Diaspora United) network.
- Eine Bestandsaufnahme unseres sozialen und politischen Engagements des The VOICE Refugee Forums, die Überarbeitung unseres Leitfadens und der Leitlinien für unsere politischen Forderungen. Ein Gespräch mit Aktivisten unserer Basisbewegungen, auch mit einem Interview mit einer Aktivistin des Netzwerks BADU (Black African Diaspora United).
With Guests /mit Gäst*innen
• Sr. Luam from BADU (Black African Diaspora United) network and the
• Bro. Omwenyeke from The VOICE Refugee Forum Bremen.
Un activiste africain a porté plainte contre L'État de Berlin pour racisme dans l'exercice de ses fonctions. Il a déposé une plainte en décembre 2021 en vertu de la loi d'antidiscrimination de l'État de Berlin.
Un communiqué de presse commun de la Communauté Africaine / Noire (ABC), The VOICE Refugee Forum et la CARAVANE pour les droits des réfugiés et des immigrés
Nous soutenons M. Mbolo C. Yufanyi Movuh dans sa lutte contre le traitement raciste dont il fait l'objet à l'Office de l'Immigration de Berlin (LEA).
26 avril 2022
Communiqué de presse en format PDF à télécharger (voir pièce jointe ci-dessous)
An African activist is suing the Land of Berlin for racism in office. He filed a complaint under the Berlin State Anti-Discrimination Act in December 2021.
A joint press release (PDF attached) from the African/Black Community (ABC), The VOICE Refugee Forum and CARAVAN for the Rights of Refugees and Migrants
We support Mr. Mbolo C. Yufanyi Movuh in his struggle against racist treatment at the Berlin State Office for Immigration (LEA).
26 April 2022
Press release as PDF for download (see attachment below)
Ein afrikanischer Aktivist klagt gegen das Land Berlin wegen Rassismus im Amt.
Im Dezember 2021 reichte er eine Klage nach dem Berliner Landesantidiskriminierungsgesetz ein.
Eine gemeinsame Pressemitteilung (PDF angehängt) der Afrikanischen / Schwarzen Community (ABC), The VOICE Refugee Forum und der KARAWANE für die Rechte der Flüchtlingen und MigrantInnen.
Wir unterstützen Herrn Mbolo C. Yufanyi Movuh in seinem Kampf gegen rassistische Behandlung im Landesamt für Einwanderung Berlin
26. April 2022
Pressemitteilung auch als PDF zum download (siehe unten)