Kundgebung und Performance am 12.12.2009 | 12 Uhr | Alexanderplatz - Berlin
2009-12-17 Vorbereitungstreffen KARAWANE-Festival in Erfurt:
Gefragt sind Menschen/Gruppen/Aktivist_innen und insbesondere Flüchtlinge
aus Erfurt, die Interesse und Engagement haben, dass Festival im Juni 2010 in Jena mit zu organisieren. Ein Thema am 17.12.2009 u.a. ist die kulinarische Versorgung der Festivalteilnehmer.
Description of the festival in Jena
Osaren describes the plans for a festival against colonialism and racism, which will be organised by The VOICE and The Caravan. It will take place in Jena on June 4th - 6th, 2010 (Friday to Sunday)as scheduled. Its motto is "Remembering the dead of Fortress Europe" - to unite against colonial injustice. The goal of the festival is to address those problems, create public awareness and fight against the injustice but also to improve our cooperation, especially through creative arts of Resistance in various forms: Arts and installations, photos, paintings and banners will be
exhibited, Films will be shown and music concerts, percussions with Masquerades Dance and theatre parade during the festival.
There will be a major parade with masquerades in traditional form of expression in Africa during the festival that will be supported by other cultural and arts initiatives from communities to reach an international sphere of the festival.
Masquerade parades can be used for social criticism - Traditionally, masks represent dead persons, whose faces can’t be seen, but who are able to speak. The Masquerades could tell "their" stories (about their deaths through Fortress Europe).
* On one hand, the masks could symbolize all the dead persons, on the other hand we could stress the dead persons’ individuality - it’s possible to use different approaches.
We have to make sure that a traditional African form of expression doesn’t exclude other groups. Comments regarding the festival in general:
* The problems of countries outside Africa (like in eastern Europe) and the victims of war must not be forgotten; we shouldn’t concentrate on Africa too intensely.
The goal of the festival is to remind of all the victim of Fortress Europe.
* European participants should show at the festival that they recognise Europe’s responsibility for colonial injustice and to fight against the injustice.
* Question: what will be the form of the festival? There will be a central stage and decentralized blocks of activities in the city with the ideal to reclaim the inner city of jena.
Is it open to all artists from all nationalities and communities to espress themselves through their arts of resistance on the political topics of the festival. The idea is to reclaim the city of Jena "as a whole." There will be four "blocks" where events on several subjects could be presented, and one open square for the central events.
There should be an open approach to festival: Artists and activists should know exactly what the festival is all about, anyone who wants to support it is welcome and should be coordinated with Jena
* suggestion: we could make a list of supporters and collect signatures for very positive reaction
* Not everyone will be able to go to Jena, so we could have preparation meetings/parallel events in other cities before the festival
* what will be useful right now: solidarity, money, decentralised actions (like remembrance meetings with candles). The costs are difficult to calculate at the moment.
* The Bremen and Hamburg Caravan, YEK-KOM and SPI, Iranian writers Assiociation and Transact Antiracist Netrwork in Germany will be involved in diverse ways, like the mobilisation, support for the festival and
further discussions within the individuals and groups for active participation.
There is a regular meeting of the preparatory groups of karawane festival in Jena since the 4th of November 2009, more than 30 persons have participated in the preparations meetings. On the 17th of November 2009 we started to develop the working groups on: (1.Culture events, 2. PR -Public Relation and 3.Finance.) for the festival.
There will be a Nationwde meeting preparatory meeting for the festival in Jena on the 23rd and 24th of January in 2010.
Erfurt am 17.12.2009 um 18.00Uhr;
filler. offenes Jugendbüro der Gewerkschaftsjugend
Schillerstrasse 44 - 99096 Erfurt
vorbereitungstreffen in erfurt
* * * * * * * * * * *
Update: Planungstreffen für das Karawanefestival 4.- 6. Juni 2010 in Jena
Hamburg, Berlin, Erfurt, Freiburg, Wuppertal, Jena and Frankfurt
BREAK THE SILENCE - In the struggle we gain our dignity!
Planing Meetings Before The Caravan Festival in June 4-6. 2010
Hamburg, Berlin, Erfurt, Freiburg, Wuppertal, Jena, Dessau and Frankfurt
Foto exhibition on the struggle for clarification, dignity and respect in the case of Oury Jalloh fotos of Marco del Pra‘, Thomas Kriska and Umbruch Bildarchiv from Berlin
Rundbrief für den Dezember 2009. Bitte weiterverbreiten!
*Bremen - Das KARAWANE-Festival 2010: 1. Bremenweites Vorbereitungstreffen am Mittwoch, 4. März um 20 Uhr im Kulturzentrum Paradox
Das KARAWANE-Festival 2010 vom 4. bis 6. Juni 2010 in Jena
Vereint gegen koloniales Unrecht – in Erinnerung an die Toten der Festung Europa
*Das nächste Bundesweite Vorbereitungstreffen für das KARAWANE-Festival wird am 10/11 April in Berlin stattfinden. ( kontakt: The VOICE Berlin, E-Mail: the_voice_berlin@gmx.de)
Wir verurteilen die Inhaftierung von Tarek Rashou Erklärung der bundesweiten Versammlung der KARAWANE für die Rechte der Flüchtlinge und MigrantInnen in Halle an der Saale, Sonntag, 29.11.2009
KTS Freiburg mit The VOICE Refugee Forum - Vereinigt gegen koloniales Unrecht!
Update: Planungstreffen für das Karawanefestival 4.- 6. Juni 2010 in Jena
Hamburg, Berlin, Erfurt, Freiburg, Wuppertal, Jena and Frankfurt
Liebe UnterstützerInnen des Kampfes gegen Abschiebungen nach Syrien,
hier der aktualisierte Aufruf zur Demo gegen Abschiebungen nach Syrien am 5. Dezember in Hannover:
Aufruf zum Download:
Treffpunkt: 13 Uhr Steintor
Online Fotos by: Thomas Kriska @ Umbruch Bildarchiv Berlin: